4 Superb NYC Baby Photo Session Ideas to Melt Your Heart of Stone
4 Superb NYC Baby Photo//Words and Photographs by Angela Cappetta
Bobby Berk shows us how it's done. He has the guncle role down. Here are 4 superb NYC baby photo session ideas. Let me melt your cold, cold heart. Not into macrame? Knit flowers coming out of your baby's ears, not for you? What do you mean you don't want to sit them down in a hand plastered pea pod!? Then you are in luck. We are here to tell you that we agree.
We love babies. Babies are the best. But for the love of God people, don't do anything that is going to kill their chances when growing up and run for Congress.
Here are some ideas that will scratch your itch to have a newborn or baby photo session. But at the same time, won't humiliate anyone. For your own edification, I have never shot a baby in a knit flower beanie or tulip-shaped bed. Nor do I intend to. In fact, I'll publicly state here and now that I refuse. And so should you. You have options. Today, we are going to share with you what some successful shoots with babies look like.
What do you mean you don't want to cram your twins inside of a still wet, hand-plastered pea pod from Etsy!?
Resting Baby Face
We all know it. The judgy look a baby throws you. We spoke with a pediatrician will tell you that all this phenomenon really is, is the baby's facial muscles are relaxed. However, it yields hilarious results. Prop your baby up. On a sofa. Under a Christmas Tree. This is the only time we suggest a silly hat. But please, nothing humiliating. Something that goes with your baby's personality. On this guy, we went with a knit raccoon cap and diaper chic. He did all the rest on his own.

Screaming their Guts Out
Bobby Berk shows us how to guncle our hardest. I gotta say, when a baby is upset, it is magnificent to kid photograph. It pulls at one's heartstrings, no doubt. However, my instinct to capture it always wins. When your baby is in a foul mood, tired, cranky, hungry, fussy. It matters not. We are here to capture all of it. The great, the not so great and everything in between is photographable. This is when those mundane spaces become real moments.

Crawling on a Fuzzy 70's Style
Feeling retro? Make your baby participate. Isn't that what parenthood is about, after all? Making your kids do things that they will someday hate you for is the name of the game. As a parent, you deserve to win. So go ahead, after bath time, plop em belly down butter side up. Use your best fuzzy, though. Don't skimp. It will crack up not only you, but the entire family. Then print it up and frame it big. Feel free to use our Pinhole Pro code and make it a showpiece.
Tubby Time
Tubby time! It is the absolute cutest thing ever to shoot. Not only is it intimate and sweet, but it is nice time with your baby. They love to splash and you get a little break to clean everyone. We are always honored and delighted to shoot this very special time with you and your baby. We can come over after dinner but right before bath, book, bottle time. Then we'll pup in the room with you and shoot some gorgeous pictures that you with treasure. Like this shoot we did that was art directed by Cameron Russell. We know now everyone has a claw foot tub, and that's ok, too. Feeling modest, then we''ll wait for you to come out in your robe for some still adorable and personal images of your family.

4 Superb NYC Baby Photo Session Ideas to Melt Your Heart of Stone
At Home in Bed
Got one in the oven and one out? Your ob/gyn has possibly even put you on bedrest. Not to worry. We will come over and shoot some gorgeous photography of you chilling out in your favorite spot on earth: your bed.