NYC City Hall Wedding Photographer. The Story of Jimmy Choos and a Borrowed Bouquet at Jeein + Jeff’s City Hall Wedding.
Written By Angela Cappetta
Jeein and Jeff finally decided after five years together it was time. In spite of their family’s wishes for a big shebang, they kept it small and personal.

Jeein Waves to her incoming family.
Jeein Waves to her incoming family. Wedding Photographer New York. Shot by wedding photographer New York Angela Cappetta with DSLR.

A kiss hello to get the day started off right.
A kiss hello to get the day started off right. Taken at City Hall in NYC by Angela Cappetta.

Bands by Tiffany and Co.
Bands by Tiffany and Co. Purchased at the Soho location in NYC on a lunch break.

A bargain!
The receipt. It costs $25.00 to get married 💍

New meaning to the term “something borrowed”.
Because it was so last minute, Jeein forgot to get flowers! However, a fellow bride in the next chapel let Jeein borrow this beautiful bouquet. New meaning to the term “something borrowed!”.

Jimmy Choos hurt.
Changing into flips. This means the day is over.