Angela Cappetta NYC Event Photography NYC Portrait Photography

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Featured in Photographize Magazine

From a Photographize Magazing feature on me.

I’m in excellent company. Such an honor.

“Welcome to Photographize Magazine Issue 05, now available online! In this edition, we are happy to feature exclusive interviews with the visionary photographer Mathieu Forget @forgetmat, known for his captivating Levitation Project, and Réhahn @rehahn_photography, celebrated for his evocative cultural portraits.

Featured Photographers & Artists: Angela Cappetta @angelacappetta_, Sebastian Copeland @copelandadventures, Andrei Duman @andreidumanphotography , Caitlyn Grabenstein @cult.class, Gleici Rufatto @g.rufatto, Matias Alonso Revelli @matialonsor, Eric Stefanski @ericstefansk, Phillip Toledano @mrtoledano, David Umemoto @david_umemoto, Bastiaan Woudt @bastiaanwoudt.”